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Critical Illness Claim Lawyers

If you have critical or chronic illness insurance and your claim has been denied or delayed, we will review your case at no cost. Contact us to discuss all of your options.

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Let Our Lawyers Appeal Your Critical Illness Claim Denial

Many people get critical or chronic illness insurance, usually as a supplement to a life insurance policy in order to provide financial stability during a serious illness. Cancer is one such terrible illness that almost everyone has seen or experienced through a friend or family member. In fact, the National Cancer Institute reports that some 4 out of 10 men and women in America will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives. Chronic illness insurance is supposed to cover things like medical costs, treatment, loss of income, etc. for the policyholder during the fight of their lives. Typical covered afflictions include:

  • Heart attacks and strokes;
  • Alzheimer’s and dementia;
  • And other serious illnesses.

Inside a critical illness insurance policy, there’s exclusions and definitions that the insurance companies often try to use to make it burdensome to get through. With many claims, the insurance companies deny or dispute what they will payout. We’ve seen instances where claims were denied when the insurance companies alleged even the slightest error on an application form or because of some narrow definition of a policy term. We don’t think that’s fair and with a long list of big wins for our clients, the law is often on our side, as well.

Wondering how to claim critical illness insurance benefits or what to do next if you’ve been denied?Our life insurance lawyers specialize in critical and chronic illness claims. Contact our team now and let us look over the details of your case at no initial cost to you. We’ll look at what happened and outline all your options going forward.

What Can You Do When Your Critical Illness Insurance Claim is Denied?

One of the first steps after a claim is denied is to save all of the paperwork you have around the claim. Having your medical records, policy documents, physician’s notes, and other pertinent information all in one place can greatly assist the efforts of your critical illness insurance attorney. Life Legal can review your case for free and give you your options up front whether you decide to have us represent you or not. We advocate for families that have already been through so much when a critical illness claim is denied so they can focus on healing and their time together.

Choose Our Critical Illness Lawyers to Fight on your Behalf

Searching “appealing critical illness claim” online is going to yield a ton of different results. A critical illness lawyer can help you navigate this difficult road. Many firms dabble in this unique aspect of the law but, at Life Legal, our entire focus is around the specific areas of life insurance law.

Critical illness claims lawyers are specialized professionals with years of experience maximizing our clients recovery when a rightful critical illness insurance claim was denied. We’ll make the insurance company face the facts of the case and offer a fair settlement or they know they’ll see us in court.

We’ll take on the burden of having to deal with the insurance company’s representatives so you can focus on getting your life back on track after you or a loved one has faced a critical or chronic injury. The pressure of having a critical illness insurance claim denied is something no one should have to experience without a fierce advocate on their side. Our experience affords us the ability to strategize the best legal paths to seek maximum recovery in your critical illness claim.

Get in touch with us today!

We try to respond within 24 hours to all inquiries.

Critical or Chronic Illness Claim FAQs

Absolutely, if that’s what it takes to get the insurance company to pay everything they owe on your policy. Our critical illness lawyers can take over the entire claims process and navigate the legal waters so you can spend your time and energy recovering. If an insurance company is dragging their feet throughout the claim and making it hard to get a fair resolution, a critical illness lawyer can help get things moving. After we present the facts, if the insurance company doesn’t offer everything the policy says they need to, we may decide to file suit to receive a fair and final settlement.

When a critical illness claim is delayed or denied outright, seeking maximum recovery usually takes having an attorney skilled in these types of cases. Our team focuses solely on life insurance law including critical illness insurance claims. We’ll take over the claims process and represent you in dealing with the insurance company. We know the players involved and the strategies to use to make these entities come to the table and provide a fair offer for everything you and your family have been through after a critical illness claim was denied.

Critical illness insurance companies can delay the entire process by taking forever between communications, ceasing to communicate altogether, or denying a claim for little to no justification. They hope the majority of policyholders will just accept this and move on so the company can minimize their payouts. It’s one of the reasons insurance companies run such lucrative businesses but it’s also what really affects peoples’ lives in a horrendous way. When insurance companies drag their feet, your Life Legal insurance claims attorney can make them come to the table, see the facts, and hold them to providing a fair settlement offer.

With Life Legal, it costs nothing to have us take on your case. We operate on a contingency fee basis which means we only get paid if we win for our clients. That’s a strong motivation for us to pour everything we have into our client’s case. We’ll take on all the initial costs of building a strong case and start dealing directly with the parties that can get the claim favorably resolved for our clients.

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