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Turning A Denied Life Insurance Claim Into An Approval: A Guide To Gathering Evidence 

Turning a Denied Life Insurance Claim into an Approval: A Guide to Gathering Evidence 

In a time of need, not much can be as frustrating and overwhelming as dealing with the denial of a life insurance claim. You have it for a reason: to avoid the emotional and financial stress of experiencing a death or critical illness. However, you should know that a denial doesn’t have to be the final answer. With the right approach, you can gather and present evidence that may overturn the decision and secure the benefits you’re entitled to. In this guide, we’ll provide practical steps to effectively collect and organize documentation to help make a strong appeal. 

  1. Understand the Reason for Denial 

The first step in preparing for an appeal is understanding why your claim was denied. The insurance company will provide a denial letter detailing the reasons. Common reasons include: 

  • Incomplete documentation 
  • Misrepresentation on the application 
  • Lapsed policy due to missed payments 
  • Cause of death/illness/or accident not covered by the policy 

Knowing the exact reason for denial allows you to focus on addressing that specific issue. 

  1. Gather Relevant Documentation 

You’ll need to present strong, clear, and relevant evidence to overturn a denial. Here’s a list of essential documents you should gather: 

  • Policy Documents: Include the original policy, riders, amendments, and the policyholder’s application. 
  • Correspondence: Collect all correspondence between you and the insurance company, including emails, letters, and notes from phone calls. 
  • Medical Records: Obtain comprehensive medical records that pertain to the policyholder’s health and cause of death. 
  • Death Certificate: Ensure that the death certificate is complete and accurate. 
  • Proof of Premium Payments: Gather evidence of all premium payments to prove that the policy was in force at the time of death. 
  • Proof of Insurability: If the denial is based on alleged misrepresentation, gather documents that support the policyholder’s statements at the time of application. 

  1. Organize Your Evidence 

An organized appeal is a strong appeal. Create a detailed and clear presentation of your evidence: 

  • Index and Tabulate: Create an index and use tabs to separate each section of your documentation. This makes it easier for the reviewer to navigate through your appeal. 
  • Summarize Key Points: Write a summary highlighting your appeal’s key points, including the reason for denial, your counterarguments, and a summary of the supporting evidence. 
  • Chronological Order: Arrange documents chronologically where applicable, particularly for medical records and correspondence. 
  1. Obtain Expert Opinions 

Sometimes, an expert opinion can make a significant difference. Consider obtaining: 

  • Medical Expert Opinion: A doctor can provide a statement explaining the medical conditions and cause of death in detail, refuting the insurance company’s assertions. 
  • Legal Opinion: An insurance law expert can provide a statement interpreting policy language and how it applies to your case. 

  1. Write a Persuasive Appeal Letter 

Your appeal letter should be clear, concise, and persuasive: 

  • State Your Case: Clearly state that you are appealing the denial and the reasons for the denial, as understood from the denial letter. 
  • Present Your Arguments: Provide a logical and organized presentation of why the denial is unfounded, using your gathered evidence to support each point. 
  • Request a Reconsideration: Politely but firmly request that the insurance company reconsider the decision in light of the new evidence. 

  1. Follow Up 

After submitting your appeal, keep track of all follow-up correspondence. If you are still waiting for a timely response, contact the insurance company to check the status of your appeal. 


Dealing with a denied life insurance claim can be a daunting and stressful experience. This is why many policyholders and beneficiaries search to find a life insurance lawyer to handle the appeal of their denied claim. The number of appeals allowed to each claimant may be limited by the policy, as a result, it’s important to get it right the first time.  If you feel overwhelmed, seeking the assistance of a life insurance attorney can provide invaluable guidance and support throughout the process. 

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact Life Legal Services. We’re here to help you navigate through this challenging time. 

Taylor Gerchman

Taylor Gerchman is the founding Partner of Life Legal Services. From the beginning of her legal career, Taylor has focused solely on insurance litigation with an emphasis on group, whole or term life insurance claims, beneficiary disputes, and ERISA claim appeals. | Learn More About Taylor

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